Monday, February 14, 2011

The Beginning Part 1

So, I'm Alex (:
I am currently 21 and the mother to a beautiful 11 week old baby boy named Oliver.

So, I figured I'd tell the story of  How Ollie Was Born (: and yes, I will use gory details, sorry!

 This blog will be about him and how's he's growing up and getting too big too fast for me (:
I'm not much of a blogger, and usually any stories I try to write end up getting abandoned, but I'll try to keep up with this.  I am always open to parenting advise!  I really don't know what I'm doing sometimes haha so if you have advise you're more than welcome to share it!

So, Oliver was due November 24th, 2010, the day before Thanksgiving.  The morning before, November 23rd, at 5:00am, I rolled over onto my back trying to get onto my left side to go back to sleep and I felt like I'd just peed my pants.  So I waddled my way to the bathroom to see what was up.  ( I didn't normally waddle throughout my whole pregnancy, except the last month or so when I really had to pee, or so Andy tells me.) This is the one time in the whole last 2 weeks of being pregnant that Andy didn't wake up when I got up, he was waking up every time I got up in the middle of the night to pee, which was quite frequently, thinking it was possibly time to go to the hospital.  When I got to the bathroom I discovered some gooey liquid and a bit of blood in my underwear and every time I wiped.  So, I had to waddle myself back to our room minus pants and underwear and wake Andy up.

Attempting to get him to wake up when it wasn't a false alarm was ridiculous.  I had to shake his foot a couple of times before he bleerily looked at me and stupidly mumbled "What?"  Apparently he didn't notice the lack of clothing and the freaked out look on my face.  When I replied "My water just broke..." the brilliant reply I received was, yet again, "What?"  Yet again I replied "My water just broke, we need to go."  Brilliant reply "Are you serious?"  If I'd been my normal sarcastic pain in the ass self, not freaked out beyond all reason, I would have replied with something witty and sarcastic.  But I told him "Yes, we need to go."  So he got up and went to go wake his mom up while I fished out some more underwear and another pair of pajama pants, it was a little cold and I didn't feel like walking around half naked.  Andy came in and told me to go talk to his mom, tell her why I thought my water had broken, so I did and she confirmed my water did infact probably break, so it was time to wake everyone up and get to the hospital.  She called Andy's dad and told him to get up and come to the house, it was time.  So then I called my mom and my sister, told them we were heading to the hospital and that we'd let them know what the hospital said.

Angela had us both take a shower, to wake up, and then make sure we had everything ready.  We waited for Andy's dad to get to the house and then we were on our way.  They kept asking me if I was ok, I kept completely spacing out and apparently I had this completely zoned out and freaked out look on my face.  Can you really blame me? 

I'll have to put this up in sections, Ollie is 12 weeks tomorrow so I'm busy running after him.

I'll put more up soon

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